
Title of the exhibition / project Partners Dates
Chennai Pavilion at the Cities Exhibition section of The Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism at Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP) in Seoul, Korea Seoul Metropolitan Government and Seoul Design Foundation 1 September - 5 November 2017
Thaali Restaurant at the Urban Foodshed section of the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism at Donniumun Village in Seoul, Korea Seoul Metropolitan Government and Seoul Design Foundation 1 September - 5 November 2017


Title of the exhibition / project Partners Dates
Heavenly Bodies C.P. Satyajit 17 - 30 January 2019
Chan Hyo Bae - Residency and Exhibition The Chennai Photo Biennale 22 February - 24 March 2019
Heavenly Bodies C.P. Satyajit's works of great documentary photographers 17 - 30 January 2019
Photographer Residency and Exhibition Korean photographer Chan Hyo Bae at the Chennai Photo Biennale 22 February - 24 March 2019
Chaekgado - constructing and de-constructing perspectives Exhibition at Prism by Lim Soosik 25 March 2021